Approach Area
Vessels usually berth at the dwelling area. Dredging of the fairway at new Sakhra port and the coastal cape has rendered water depth consistent, estimated at 11.28 m. During tide, vessels up to 11.25 m. draft can approach the harbor during the flow taking the consideration that the draft not exceeding 12.19 m
Port Borders
From Ras Massala to Ras El Sadat.
Ibrahim Dock
Bordered by an imaginary line extending between the two breakwaters.
Petroleum Dock
Bordered by an imaginary line extending 140 degrees from the extremity of the Eastern breakwater until the Western breakwater.
Ataka Port
The boundaries of Ataka Port are delimited by the port breakwaters.
The water out of the boundaries of Ibrahim Dock, Petroleum Dock, Ataka Port, Adabiya Port and New Petroleum Bert is within the Suez Canal values.